‘Passing of the Cup’ Nicola Jacobs, 2022


  • SEEK

    “A big part of who the Nelsons are is centered around hospitality and , naturally, around the table. Since knowing them for the last year, they have hosted countless dinners and Apéros in their home. They have spoken into the lives of those they have hosted, uplifting and encouraging visitors, friends and strangers.”


    “Kingdom Hospitality, or rather, God's hospitality is what the Nelson’s strive for: a safe space where you are welcomed, where relationships can be built, joy can be shared, where you are accepted but also challenged, where you are served and learn how to serve, a space where the Holy Spirit can freely move, a space where God can have a voice too.”

  • SAVE

    “When God invites us to his table, he is not just calling us to simply eat, but to enter into a relationship.” – Rob Douglas

    During the last supper, Jesus created a warm spiritual environment that flowed from who he was in relationship to the Father.

    “As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love." In this chapter of John 15, we can see how Jesus showed the full extent of his love during the last supper he would have before leaving.

    Jesus intentionally created an environment to make his disciples feel welcome and comfortable because he knew what they were about to hear would eventually change them, and in turn, the world.

    Thank you Greg, Esther, Chiara and Tayah for creating this same space around the table where you poured in to our lives. It changed us, it changed me, and in turn, will change the world.

    -Nicola Jacobs, France