Our Mission

There are three times in the New Testament where a sentence begins with “the Son of Man came…”


“…not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Mark 10:45


“…to seek and save the lost.”

Luke 19:10


“The Son of Man came eating and drinking…”

Luke 7:34

What is Kingdom Hospitality 101

Jesus’ purpose was to serve, to give his life as a ransom, and to seek and save the lost. His method of accomplishing this was with eating and drinking. We believe with absolute conviction that God has called us to walk out our faith by making disciples in all the nations through the practice of Hospitality. 

Kingdom Hospitality 101 does not wait for the right time or opportunity to host people, but rather we are always prepared to welcome guests to the table. It seeks out relationships, drawing out and identifying God-given potential and gifts for the individual.

Meals enact mission, and this is where discipleship takes place. We strive to extend love, mercy, kindness, and generosity.  It is not hindered by time, resources, money, or culture, but rather, it is moved by the compassion to meet the needs of thy neighbours in every possible way (physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually).

In essence, Kingdom Hospitality 101 is meant to introduce people to Jesus’ method for serving, seeking, and saving. It leads others to love and pursue strangers for the purpose of building God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven.

The Five Habits of Highly Missional People

The ‘BELLS’ Model

The ‘BELLS’ model is a acronym from world-renowned missiologist and author Michael Frost’s book, ‘Surprise the World’. At our core, this model explains our heart for ministry. We try to work in all five elements into every meal cooked, every folded napkin, every glass poured, every conversation, and to every person we come in contact with.

 Text Copywright © Michael Frost, ‘Suprise the World’ 2016


 Images and text © Alpha Canada 2006-2020



We bless people, both inside and outside the church.


We eat together, sharing meals with believers and nonbelievers alike.


We listen to the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit as we engage with those around us.


We intimately learn Christ as our leader and model for making disciples.


We see ourselves as sent by God to everywhere life takes us.